Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Think of the beautiful people!

This letter in the current issue of Sydney Star Observer (which I used to write for) really moved me:

Why is it many believe it’s fair game to criticise and objectify the muscular and athletic men and women of the GLTBI community?
Over the years I have heard nearly everything to put down and denigrate, and seen a lot of physical violence and unwanted attention toward those who choose to develop and maintain their bodies in peak form.
It’s time people stopped and thought about their actions when they criticise, bully and harass.  These are real people with emotions and feelings. Yes, some are arrogant, yet there are many  who are decent, have integrity and are respectful. Just because they choose to maintain their body in a form they want to does not mean anyone has the right to treat them any differently, nor does it give anyone permission to treat them like a piece of meat for their own lustful gratification.
Yes it’s human nature to look and admire, and many who keep fit appreciate the attentionyet there are boundaries which need to be kept and respect to be shown.  If you see signs of discomfort and irritability due to your attention be respectful and move on. I’m far from being physically fit and I’m definitely no Ben Cousins. Yet I have friends who are fit and hot and these friendships have developed through being respectful.
So instead of having a good bitch or throwing yourself at a person you deem to be ‘perfect’ say hello, show respect and keep within appropriate boundaries and you may be pleasantly surprised.
— Ashley
Oh honey, I can relate.
I, too, struggle with the burden of being ridiculously hot on a daily basis. All the jealous glares, the constant arse-grabbing …
It's exhausting.

These cheekbones weigh heavily, I tell you.

Seriously, though, I'm not sure if this letter is a brilliant piss-take or not.
Somehow, sadly, I don't think it is. Another reason why I don't miss gay Sydney.

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