Monday, April 23, 2012

Beware the rent-a-poof

The rules of TV decree that every "lifestyle" show or program involving aesthetic judgment must include at least one rent-a-poof. He's generally the one responsible for generating camp wisecracks and/or "wow factor". And for some reason, everyone listens to him.

This lamentable situation is predicated on the false belief that every gay man has style.
Au contraire.
Perhaps the best/worst example of dubious homosexual input can be found on Sixty Minute Makeover, a particularly shrill, frantic UK offering. This weekend it showcased an especially heinous example of what happens when you leave your house in the hands of a stranger with delusions of good taste.


No, that is not the "before" shot. Indeed, this is the designer's idea of "Moroccan feel". If the wallpaper weren't questionable enough, take a closer look at the flooring.
No, you're not mistaken, that really is lino. Faux-flagstone lino. Cheap '70s Italian restaurant lino.
I haven't seen anything like that being installed in at least three decades.
As for the owner's reaction:

I'd say that's open to interpretation.

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