Wednesday, August 18, 2010

BiscuitWatch: Desperately seeking Biscuit

The horse owners cleared the paddock on the weekend and erected a shelter.
Finally, I thought, something to protect poor little Biscuit from getting soggy:

When the horses returned yesterday, however, I saw – with some distress, I might add – that only Wiz and Tuppence were there.
Where the hell have they put Biscuit and Buddy??

Today I dragged Mick along the riverbank to see if Biscuit and Buddy were in their old spot a few streets away.
Alas, it was empty, but at least the grass has had a chance to grow back:

I then decided to head off on my own, east this time.
I was heading deep into Gladiators territory and suddenly the contents of my pockets – a digital camera and a carrot – seemed deeply incriminating. Undaunted, though, I carried on.
Biscuit was going to get her afternoon treat if it killed me.

I hardly ever venture down this way, I have to say, but it is very pretty and a perfect candidate for picnic-spot, bikies notwithstanding:

Until you get to the point past which No Outsider May Tread, that is.
I think the "electric fence" sign is bullshit myself but I didn't want to test it out:

As I was taking that shot, I noticed two shirtless figures in the distance, within the Forbidden Zone.
They must be bikies!
I've stumbled upon a drug shipment! A body disposal!!

I was somewhat deflated to realise they were merely clearing away tree branches:

Still, a frisson is a frisson.

As for Biscuit and Buddy, I searched the upper portion of the neighbourhood, to no avail.
I have still have a few streets to go and there's also lots of grazing land at the very end of the road, so I haven't lost hope.
BiscuitWatch will be back.


Right after I pressed 'publish', Mick came in to tell me what happened to Biscuit and Buddy.

Their owner just told him that kids had been regularly tormenting them by throwing eggs and firing slingshots.
They've been sold to a farm in Gillieston Heights nearby.
I'm happy they'll be safe there but I'm very sad they're gone.

And I really hope I catch the next little shit carrying eggs.

This is the last photo I took of the four horses together:

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