Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Coco Channel: Who the hell is this?

The horses have a new arrival.
He's chestnut, which I presume translates as ginger in the horse world.

Here they are last week, managing to get along – warily – in the face of new carrots:

The semblance of harmony was short-lived, however.
Coco, in particular, has shown her true colours and has rejected him.

Just quietly, they're not becoming on her – she turns, I tell you. 
Here's an abstract of what I assure you was not a pretty sight:

Anyway, this new neighbour – given his white feet, we're hedging our bets and calling him Socks – is hanging in there and doing his best to fit in. He's a little timid for his own good, unfortunately.

He could literally be starved for attention by the end of the month...

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