Saturday, August 18, 2012

I gather there was a sporting carnival ...

For better or worse, the London Olympics coincided with my screwed up sleeping patterns – all night, every night, I could watch something other than the usual dross.
Although there were some good exceptions:

The second was much better in my opinion, although I was possibly biased by the presence of a young and lovely Joan Collins, whose innate glamour managed to triumph over a series of deeply unflattering hairdos:

They were just so flat.

Anyway, Olympics. I enjoyed the fortnight more than usual, probably because Australia didn't do well at all.
Thus we were spared repeated renditions of our dreary national anthem. Also, there was a marked drop in the usual cringeworthy jingoistic garbage from the commentstors. In fact, everyone involved seems a little sheepish and bewildered at the absence of new "golden girls".
They're now blaming Titter and Facebook for distracting the athletes, which is pretty desperate.

So what else worked for me? Well, while I never really came to grips wih the graffiti-tag logo, I did love the official palette – all that fuchsia! Or was it cerise? Either way, it looked great on screen:

I  did discover the limitations of my latest camera. It purportedly has a 'sporting' shooting mode, with a little running-man icon to prove it. However, competitors in any sort of fast motion (a surprisingly high proportion) came out looking like a Francis Bacon study:

... or a UFO – Unidentified Flipping Olympian:

As with most things in life, this looked even better when synchronised:

I didn't see a great deal of beefcake. I blame erratic and unpredictable programming, although the Greek men's water polo team should be commended:

Also from Greece, Ilias Iliadis, judo champion, was impressive on various levels:

And whoever this is:

Alas, many of he gymnasts, divers looked like muscly children:

In other words, this was the Olympics that made me feel old.

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