Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Thanks for what?

I just got an email from my case worker at the Bobby Goldsmith Foundation.

I've never met her; we've never even spoken.

I became a member of BGF in the hopes of getting one-off financial support when I was moving up here.
No dice. I didn't "qualify". This despite me having no income at the time and needing financial aid to move and store my belongings. (In the end Mick picked up the tab.)

BGF has been under considerable scrutiny lately about its finances and (in)ability to provide assistance for PLWHA. I haven't been in the loop for some time but my own experience with them has been underwhelming.

Nevertheless, my "case worker" sent me a lovely personal farewell:
"I am writing this letter to inform you that from Friday 5th November 2010 I will no longer be working at Bobby Goldsmith Foundation.
 "A new case worker will be appointed for you and you will receive another letter letting you know of your new case worker.  However, in the meantime if you have any concerns please feel free to contact any of the case workers available in BGF to discuss your matters.
 "I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for sharing a bit of your story with me as it has been very valuable in helping me support you and become a better worker.  At the same time, please receive my very best wishes for the future."

Like I said, never met the woman...

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