Monday, April 26, 2010

Surveying the scenery

I've always been baffled by those surveyor tripods.
I get the vague concept that they're used to establish co-ordinates but whenever someone tries to explain the process to me my mind wanders and I start singing a song in my head (at the moment it's Tightrope by Janelle Monae – I never thought I'd say it but I think she might be the new Beyoncé).

Anyway, this was on the riverbank last week:

What are they surveying? Is there something planned? A freeway? A pedestrian bridge?
As you can see, there isn't much on the other side, just Lorn. Mind you, Lorn is fairly bursting with pretty-as-a-picture Federation houses but it's hardly a destination, even for those who can afford to live there.

Makes me wonder, that's all.

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