Saturday, July 21, 2012

TV projection

I don't see many people these days. Not unexpected and perfectly reasonable.
Death might bring people together, but disease sends them running.

I'm not on Facebook either (I didn't have imaginary friends as a child; there doesn't seem to be much point in starting now). Consequently, I have had to turn to my trusty companion – the telly – when in need of support.

Over the past couple of months I have had several famous female acquaintances drop by. They're usually brief affairs. Not much talking.

Every now and then, someone will take the aggressively upbeat approach, as though a rictus grin alone will drag me from the doldrums:

I'm sure it's exhausting for both of us.

Generally speaking, however, they know what to do: strike a series of serious poses, from bewilderment to mild concern to existential woe. Whatever it takes to make me feel like they really care. They understand.
They're there for me: