Sunday, March 27, 2011

Please, sir, I want some morphine

I am absolutely dreading tomorrow. Surgery day. The day I get a piece of my arse removed to replace the piece of my right arm, which is going on my face.

Happy Monday!

I have to get to John Hunter Hospital at 6.15 am (poor Mick) and will be in there for god knows how many days. I'll be getting a tracheostomy, so I'll be unable to speak for a while. That bit really creeps me out (it's odd what bothers you when facing a litany of horrors), especially the thought of encountering that bitch nurse again and not being unable to respond to her.
As some sort of consolation I bought a new note pad and pens today.

I can at least express my discomfort/indignation/desperate desire to get the hell out of there in ballpoint.

Sorry I haven't posted, by the way. I've just been floating in a painkiller haze, feeling sorry for myself. I've tried to capitalise on what time I had left as a relatively normal-looking person, but I couldn't muster the enthusiasm.

Needless to say, apart form the self-admistered morphine drip I've been promised, the best thing about any of this is the fact I have Mick.
I've warned him repeatedly that, after this surgery, he's going to be waking up next to the Elephant Man.
He just gives me a kiss and tells me to stop being silly.
I love him so much.

Anyway, wish me luck!

Rocky and Wiz, oblivious to my medical situation, angling for carrots this morning:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Good news, bad news

I got a phone call from the John Hunter Hospital.
The woman seemed a little concerned, in that I-don't-know-you-but-I've-set-my-voice-to-"sorry" kind of way.

I soon found out why – she was apologising for having to tell me my March 14 surgery appointment was cancelled due to an unforeseen shortage of theatre space.

I could tell she was expecting me to blow up, but I had to tell her the truth:
"What appointment? No-one told me about any appointment."
She practically giggled wth relief:
"That's great!"

I have to admit I'm relieved in a way, but this fucking lip keeps hurting like hell and Endone is beginning to lose its flavour...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Solo Ditto

I'm loving this song (sorry for all the videos, I'll get back to updating properly soon enough) by Beth Ditto.

Yesterday it was playing over the PA system in our local shopping mall, of all places.

I doubt anyone realised they were being serenaded by an outspoken plus-size lesbian:

And yeah, it's also Mardi Gras this Saturday.
I predict high rotation for this

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Nature's ambiguities #2

Actually not that ambiguous at all when you take a closer look, but still:

I can report it was fairly brief and quite uneventful – no frenzied thrusting or inappropriate noises.
A bit disappointing really.

RIP Jane Russell

One of my favourite actresses. She was 89.

This is from 1953's Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, which I just watched again the other night. Fabulous :